Press Statement by Chairman of KRT Taman Mawar Dr Tan Chuan Hong:
Urging Penang State Government Not to Issue a Permit to Build a Food Center in Taman Mawar!
Chairman of KRT Taman Mawar Dr Tan Chuan Hong pointed out that the locals are protesting the State Government to approve the development of a food center at a private lot in Taman Mawar. This will seriously affect the quality of life of the residents. Due to this incident was brought on by the dealer to the Board of Appeal of the Penang State Government, and a decision will be made on the 30th of October, local residents hope the state government's decision will benefit the local people and not prone to the dealer!
He said that several years ago, a dealer seeking to build a food center in Taman Mawar has been denied by the local residents. Because they fear it will cause wastewater, odor, noise, lack of parking, and other health problems. After two years of protests by local residents and investigation by MPSP, MPSP had rejected this application.
"However, the trader has recently once again pleaded to the Board of Appeal. Locals worry about the decision of on 30th October."
He said, to avoid the impression that "State Government conspired with the dealers", the State Government must make decisions in the interests of the people and not for the benefit of traders.
He stressed that there is a main road in Taman Mawar. If the food center is established next to the road, this will lead to problems of traffic congestion and the difficulty of access of the residents.
"Raja Uda is already a hawker area. Therefore, I expect the State Government to listen to public opinion and do not simply issue the food and drinks permit."
He said, KRT Taman Mawar was very disappointed and feeling been hurt because they feel the Penang State Government is willing to sacrifice time, money, harmony and common interests of the people for the dealer.
He believes the trial is such a waste of time and money to local residents, particularly those who has to attended in order to defend their rights. Not only Clearly significant economic losses on them, but also no compensation for what they sacrificed. In addition, the Penang State Government is also wasting tax payer's money for allowing this case to go on. Penang State Government is supposed to represent the people, but in fact the majority are not guaranteed.
"If the construction of food center is approved, the local residents will be facing a shortage of parking. This results parking problems everywhere. Could Penang State Government convince local residents that there is no difficulty in traffic after the food center is built? Penang State Government is willing to sacrifice the interests of the people just for the money donated by the dealer?
Dr Tan Chuan Hong pointed out that when the hawkers cooking, the smoke will be blown around the food center and it will affect the health of residents who inhaled the smoke in the long run. In addition, the oil and the leftovers will be poured directly into the drain or ditch nearby. It would be a mosquito breeding area and the quality of life of the residents will be affected.
He said, KRT Taman Mawar has an obligation to maintain harmony, peace and the rights of the residents in Taman Mawar. KRT Taman Mawar will not bow to any forces that threaten the welfare of the residents in Taman Mawar.